id)) throw new BadMethodCallException('Entity must be in directory before log entries can be added'); switch(get_class($this)) { case 'User': $scope = "user:{$this->uid}"; break; case 'ServerAccount': $scope = "account:{$this->name}@{$this->server->hostname}"; break; case 'Group': $scope = "group:{$this->name}"; break; default: throw new BadMethodCallException('Unsupported entity type: '.get_class($this)); } $json = json_encode($details, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); $stmt = $this->database->prepare("INSERT INTO entity_event SET entity_id = ?, actor_id = ?, date = UTC_TIMESTAMP(), details = ?"); $stmt->bind_param('dds', $this->id, $this->active_user->entity_id, $json); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->close(); $text = "KeysScope=\"{$scope}\" KeysRequester=\"{$this->active_user->uid}\""; foreach($details as $key => $value) { $text .= ' Keys'.ucfirst($key).'="'.str_replace('"', '', $value).'"'; } openlog('keys', LOG_ODELAY, LOG_AUTH); syslog($level, $text); closelog(); } /** * Add the specified user as an administrator of the entity. * Logging is performed by the inheriting classes. * @param User $user to add as administrator */ public function add_admin(User $user) { if(is_null($this->entity_id)) throw new BadMethodCallException('Entity must be in directory before admins can be added'); if(is_null($user->entity_id)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('User must be in directory before it can be made admin'); $entity_id = $user->entity_id; try { $stmt = $this->database->prepare("INSERT INTO entity_admin SET entity_id = ?, admin = ?"); $stmt->bind_param('dd', $this->entity_id, $entity_id); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->close(); } catch(mysqli_sql_exception $e) { if($e->getCode() == 1062) { // Duplicate entry - ignore } else { throw $e; } } } /** * Remove the specified user as an administrator of the entity. * @param User $user to remove as administrator */ public function delete_admin(User $user) { if(is_null($this->entity_id)) throw new BadMethodCallException('Entity must be in directory before admins can be deleted'); if(is_null($user->entity_id)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('User must be in directory before it can be removed as admin'); $entity_id = $user->entity_id; $stmt = $this->database->prepare("DELETE FROM entity_admin WHERE entity_id = ? AND admin = ?"); $stmt->bind_param('dd', $this->entity_id, $entity_id); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->close(); } /** * List all administrators of this entity. * @return array of User objects */ public function list_admins() { if(is_null($this->entity_id)) throw new BadMethodCallException('Entity must be in directory before admins can be listed'); $stmt = $this->database->prepare("SELECT admin FROM entity_admin WHERE entity_id = ?"); $stmt->bind_param('d', $this->entity_id); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); $admins = array(); while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $admins[] = new User($row['admin']); } $stmt->close(); return $admins; } /** * Add a public key to this entity for use with any outbound access rules that apply to it. * Emailing and logging is handled by the inheriting classes. * @param PublicKey $key to be added */ public function add_public_key(PublicKey $key) { if(is_null($this->entity_id)) throw new BadMethodCallException('Entity must be in directory before public keys can be added'); $key->get_openssh_info(); $key_type = $key->type; $key_keydata = $key->keydata; $key_comment = $key->comment; $key_size = $key->keysize; $key_fingerprint_md5 = $key->fingerprint_md5; $key_fingerprint_sha256 = $key->fingerprint_sha256; $key_randomart_md5 = $key->randomart_md5; $key_randomart_sha256 = $key->randomart_sha256; $stmt = $this->database->prepare(" INSERT INTO public_key SET entity_id = ?, type = ?, keydata = ?, comment = ?, keysize = ?, fingerprint_md5 = ?, fingerprint_sha256 = ?, randomart_md5 = ?, randomart_sha256 = ? "); $stmt->bind_param('dsssdssss', $this->entity_id, $key_type, $key_keydata, $key_comment, $key_size, $key_fingerprint_md5, $key_fingerprint_sha256, $key_randomart_md5, $key_randomart_sha256); $stmt->execute(); $key->id = $stmt->insert_id; $stmt->close(); $this->sync_remote_access(); } /** * Delete the specified public key from this entity. * @param PublicKey $key to be removed */ public function delete_public_key(PublicKey $key) { if(is_null($this->entity_id)) throw new BadMethodCallException('Entity must be in directory before public keys can be deleted'); $stmt = $this->database->prepare("DELETE FROM public_key WHERE entity_id = ? AND id = ?"); $stmt->bind_param('dd', $this->entity_id, $key->id); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->close(); $this->sync_remote_access(); } /** * Retrieve a specific public key for this entity by its ID. * @param int $id of public key to retrieve * @return PublicKey matching the ID * @throws PublicKeyNotFoundException if no public key exists with that ID */ public function get_public_key_by_id($id) { if(is_null($this->entity_id)) throw new BadMethodCallException('Entity must be in directory before public keys can be listed'); $stmt = $this->database->prepare("SELECT * FROM public_key WHERE entity_id = ? AND id = ?"); $stmt->bind_param('dd', $this->entity_id, $id); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); if($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $key = new PublicKey($row['id'], $row); } else { throw new PublicKeyNotFoundException('Public key does not exist.'); } $stmt->close(); return $key; } /** * List all public keys associated with this entity, optionally filtered by account name and hostname * for any of the keys that have destination rules applied. * @todo this is perhaps an unintuitive place to do this kind of filtering * @param string|null $account_name to filter for in the destination rules for each key * @param string|null $hostname to filter for in the destination rules for each key * @return array of PublicKey objects */ public function list_public_keys($account_name = null, $hostname = null) { if(is_null($this->entity_id)) throw new BadMethodCallException('Entity must be in directory before public keys can be listed'); $stmt = $this->database->prepare(" SELECT public_key.*, COUNT( AS dest_rule_count FROM public_key LEFT JOIN public_key_dest_rule ON public_key_dest_rule.public_key_id = WHERE entity_id = ? GROUP BY "); $stmt->bind_param('d', $this->entity_id); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); $keys = array(); while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { if((is_null($account_name) && is_null($hostname)) || $row['dest_rule_count'] == 0) { $include = true; } else { $include = false; $rulestmt = $this->database->prepare("SELECT * FROM public_key_dest_rule WHERE public_key_id = ?"); $rulestmt->bind_param('d', $row['id']); $rulestmt->execute(); $ruleresult = $rulestmt->get_result(); if($ruleresult->num_rows == 0) { // Key has no destination rules defined, include it everywhere $include = true; } else { // Apply destination rules while($rule = $ruleresult->fetch_assoc()) { $filter1 = '/^'.str_replace('\*', '.*', preg_quote($rule['account_name_filter'], '/')).'$/i'; $filter2 = '/^'.str_replace('\*', '.*', preg_quote($rule['hostname_filter'], '/')).'$/i'; if(preg_match($filter1, $account_name) && preg_match($filter2, $hostname)) { $include = true; break; } } } } if($include) { $keys[] = new PublicKey($row['id'], $row); } } $stmt->close(); return $keys; } /** * Retrieve a specific access rule towards this entity by its ID (inbound access). * @param int $id to retrieve * @return Access object * @throws AccessNotFoundException if no access rule exists with this ID */ public function get_access_by_id($id) { if(is_null($this->entity_id)) throw new BadMethodCallException('Entity must be in directory before access can be listed'); $stmt = $this->database->prepare(" SELECT access.*, entity.type FROM access INNER JOIN entity ON = access.source_entity_id WHERE access.dest_entity_id = ? AND = ? "); $stmt->bind_param('dd', $this->entity_id, $id); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); if($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { switch($row['type']) { case 'user': $source_entity = new User($row['source_entity_id']); break; case 'server account': $source_entity = new ServerAccount($row['source_entity_id']); break; case 'group': $source_entity = new Group($row['source_entity_id']); break; } $row['granted_by'] = new User($row['granted_by']); $row['source_entity'] = $source_entity; $row['dest_entity'] = $this; $access = new Access($row['id'], $row); } else { throw new AccessNotFoundException('Access rule does not exist.'); } $stmt->close(); return $access; } /** * List all access rules that grant access to this entity (inbound access). * @return array of Access objects */ public function list_access() { if(is_null($this->entity_id)) throw new BadMethodCallException('Entity must be in directory before access can be listed'); $stmt = $this->database->prepare(" SELECT access.*, entity.type FROM access INNER JOIN entity ON = access.source_entity_id LEFT JOIN user ON user.entity_id = LEFT JOIN server_account ON server_account.entity_id = LEFT JOIN server ON = server_account.server_id LEFT JOIN `group` ON `group`.entity_id = WHERE dest_entity_id = ? ORDER BY entity.type, user.uid, server.hostname,, `group`.name "); $stmt->bind_param('d', $this->entity_id); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); $access_list = array(); while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { switch($row['type']) { case 'user': $source_entity = new User($row['source_entity_id']); break; case 'server account': $source_entity = new ServerAccount($row['source_entity_id']); break; case 'group': $source_entity = new Group($row['source_entity_id']); break; } $row['granted_by'] = new User($row['granted_by']); $row['source_entity'] = $source_entity; $access_list[] = new Access($row['id'], $row); } $stmt->close(); return $access_list; } /** * List all requests for access to this entity (inbound access). * @return array of AccessRequest objects */ public function list_access_requests() { if(is_null($this->entity_id)) throw new BadMethodCallException('Entity must be in directory before access can be listed'); $stmt = $this->database->prepare(" SELECT access_request.*, entity.type FROM access_request INNER JOIN entity ON = access_request.source_entity_id LEFT JOIN user ON user.entity_id = LEFT JOIN server_account ON server_account.entity_id = LEFT JOIN server ON = server_account.server_id LEFT JOIN `group` ON `group`.entity_id = WHERE dest_entity_id = ? ORDER BY entity.type, user.uid, server.hostname,, `group`.name "); $stmt->bind_param('d', $this->entity_id); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); $access_requests = array(); while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { switch($row['type']) { case 'user': $source_entity = new User($row['source_entity_id']); break; case 'server account': $source_entity = new ServerAccount($row['source_entity_id']); break; case 'group': $source_entity = new Group($row['source_entity_id']); break; } $row['requested_by'] = new User($row['requested_by']); $row['source_entity'] = $source_entity; $access_requests[] = new AccessRequest($row['id'], $row); } $stmt->close(); return $access_requests; } /** * List all access rules that grant this entity access to other entities (outbound access). * @return array of Access objects */ public function list_remote_access() { if(is_null($this->entity_id)) throw new BadMethodCallException('Entity must be in directory before remote access can be listed'); $stmt = $this->database->prepare(" SELECT access.*, entity.type FROM access INNER JOIN entity ON access.dest_entity_id = LEFT JOIN user ON user.entity_id = LEFT JOIN server_account ON server_account.entity_id = LEFT JOIN server ON = server_account.server_id LEFT JOIN `group` ON `group`.entity_id = WHERE access.source_entity_id = ? ORDER BY entity.type, user.uid, server.hostname,, `group`.name "); $stmt->bind_param('d', $this->entity_id); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); $access_list = array(); while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { switch($row['type']) { case 'user': $dest_entity = new User($row['dest_entity_id']); break; case 'server account': $dest_entity = new ServerAccount($row['dest_entity_id']); break; case 'group': $dest_entity = new Group($row['dest_entity_id']); break; } $row['granted_by'] = new User($row['granted_by']); $row['dest_entity'] = $dest_entity; $access_list[] = new Access($row['id'], $row); } $stmt->close(); return $access_list; } /** * Trigger a sync for this entity - must be implemented by inheriting class. */ abstract public function sync_access(); /** * Trigger a sync for all entities that this entity has access to (and recurse to group members). * @param $seen used to prevent infinite recursion and double-syncing by tracking all entities seen so far */ public function sync_remote_access(&$seen = array()) { $seen[$this->entity_id] = true; // Sync whatever this entity has access to $access_list = $this->list_remote_access(); foreach($access_list as $access) { $access->dest_entity->sync_access(); } // Sync whatever groups this entity is a member of global $group_dir; $memberships = $group_dir->list_group_membership($this); foreach($memberships as $group) { if(!isset($seen[$group->entity_id])) { $group->sync_remote_access($seen); } } // If this is a user, also sync across LDAP-based servers global $server_dir; global $sync_request_dir; if(get_class($this) == 'User') { $servers = $server_dir->list_servers(array(), array('authorization' => array('manual LDAP', 'automatic LDAP'))); foreach($servers as $server) { $sync_request = new SyncRequest; $sync_request->server_id = $server->id; $sync_request->account_name = $this->uid; $sync_request_dir->add_sync_request($sync_request); } } } }