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177 lines
8.2 KiB

3 years ago
function show_event($event) {
$json = json_decode($event->details);
$details = hesc($event->details);
switch($json->action) {
case 'Server add':
$details = 'Added server to key management';
case 'Group add':
$details = 'Created group';
case 'Account add':
$details = 'Added account '.hesc($json->value);
case 'Account remove':
// Legacy event type
$details = 'Removed account '.hesc($json->value);
case 'Access request':
$details = 'Requested access for '.show_event_participant($json->value);
case 'Access approve':
$details = 'Approved access for '.show_event_participant($json->value);
case 'Access reject':
$details = 'Rejected access for '.show_event_participant($json->value);
case 'Access add':
$details = 'Added access for '.show_event_participant($json->value);
case 'Access remove':
$details = 'Removed access for '.show_event_participant($json->value);
case 'Administrator add':
$details = 'Added administrator '.show_event_participant($json->value);
case 'Administrator remove':
$details = 'Removed administrator '.show_event_participant($json->value);
case 'Member add':
$details = 'Added member '.show_event_participant($json->value);
case 'Member remove':
$details = 'Removed member '.show_event_participant($json->value);
case 'Pubkey add':
$details = 'Added public key '.hesc($json->value);
case 'Pubkey remove':
$details = 'Removed public key '.hesc($json->value);
case 'Setting update':
$details = hesc($json->field).' changed from <q>'.hesc($json->oldvalue).'</q> to <q>'.hesc($json->value).'</q>';
case 'Sync status change':
$details = 'Sync status: '.hesc($json->value);
<?php if(get_class($event) == 'ServerEvent') { ?>
<a href="<?php outurl('/servers/'.urlencode($event->server->hostname))?>" class="server"><?php out($event->server->hostname) ?></a>
<?php } elseif(get_class($event) == 'UserEvent') { ?>
<a href="<?php outurl('/users/'.urlencode($event->user->uid))?>" class="user"><?php out($event->user->uid) ?></a>
<?php } elseif(get_class($event) == 'ServerAccountEvent') { ?>
<a href="<?php outurl('/servers/'.urlencode($event->account->server->hostname).'/accounts/'.urlencode($event->account->name))?>" class="serveraccount"><?php out($event->account->name.'@'.$event->account->server->hostname) ?></a>
<?php } elseif(get_class($event) == 'GroupEvent') { ?>
<a href="<?php outurl('/groups/'.urlencode($event->group->name))?>" class="group"><?php out($event->group->name) ?></a>
<?php } ?>
<td><a href="<?php outurl('/users/'.urlencode($event->actor->uid))?>" class="user"><?php out($event->actor->uid) ?></a></td>
<td><?php out($details, ESC_NONE) ?></td>
<td class="nowrap"><?php out($event->date) ?></td>
function show_event_participant($participant) {
list($type, $name) = explode(':', $participant, 2);
if($type == 'user') {
return '<a href="'.rrurl('/users/'.urlencode($name)).'" class="user">'.hesc($name).'</a>';
} elseif($type == 'account') {
list($account, $server) = explode('@', $name, 2);
return '<a href="'.rrurl('/servers/'.urlencode($server).'/accounts/'.urlencode($account)).'" class="serveraccount">'.hesc($name).'</a>';
} elseif($type == 'group') {
return '<a href="'.rrurl('/groups/'.urlencode($name)).'" class="group">'.hesc($name).'</a>';
} else {
return hesc($participant);
function keygen_help($box_position) {
<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
<li><a href="#windows_instructions" data-toggle="tab">Windows</a></li>
<li><a href="#mac_instructions" data-toggle="tab">Mac</a></li>
<li><a href="#linux_instructions" data-toggle="tab">Linux</a></li>
<div class="tab-content clearfix">
<div class="tab-pane fade" id="windows_instructions">
<aside class="pull-right"><img src="/putty-key-generator.png" class="img-rounded"></aside>
<p>On Windows you will typically use the <a href="">PuTTYgen</a> application to generate your key pair.</p>
<li>Download and run the latest Windows installer from the <a href="">PuTTY download page</a>.
<li>Start PuTTYgen.
<li>Select the type of key to generate. RSA, ECDSA or ED25519 are good choices.
<li>For RSA, enter "4096" as the number of bits in the generated key. For ECDSA, use either the nistp384 or nistp521 curve.
<li>Click the Generate button.
<li>Provide a comment for the key: it is a very good idea to include your user name and the current date in the comment to make the key easier to identify.
<li><strong>Provide a key passphrase.</strong>
<li>Save the private key to your local machine.
<li>Select and copy the contents of the "Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file" section at the top of the window (scrollable, make sure to select all).
<?php if(!is_null($box_position)) { ?>
<li>Paste the public key that you just copied into the box <?php out($box_position)?> and click the "Add public key" button.
<?php } ?>
<div class="alert alert-info">
<strong>Note:</strong> if you are not using PuTTY to connect, you may need to export your private key into OpenSSH format to use it. You can do this from the Conversions menu.
<div class="alert alert-info">
<strong>Note:</strong> if you are using Cygwin or MSYS bash, the instructions for Linux can be used instead.
<div class="tab-pane fade" id="mac_instructions">
<p>On Mac you can generate a key pair with the ssh-keygen command.</p>
<li>Start the "Terminal" program.
<li>Run the following command: <code>ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C '<var>comment</var>'</code>, replacing '<var>comment</var>' with your own comment - a good idea is to include your user name and the current date in the comment to make the key easier to identify.
<li><strong>Make sure that you give the key a passphrase when prompted.</strong>
<li>A new text file will have been created in a <code>.ssh</code> directory called <code></code>. Copy the contents of that file into your clipboard.
<?php if(!is_null($box_position)) { ?>
<li>Paste the public key that you just copied into the box <?php out($box_position)?> and click the "Add public key" button.
<?php } ?>
<div class="tab-pane fade" id="linux_instructions">
<p>On Linux you can generate a key pair with the ssh-keygen command.</p>
<li>Open a terminal on your machine
Run the following command: <code>ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C '<var>comment</var>'</code>, replacing '<var>comment</var>' with your own comment - a good idea is to include your user name and the current date in the comment to make the key easier to identify.
<div class="alert alert-info">
Note: if this command fails with a message of "ssh-keygen: command not found", you need to install the openssh-client package: <code>sudo apt-get install openssh-client</code> on Debian-based systems.
<li><strong>Make sure that you give the key a passphrase when prompted.</strong>
<li>Run <code>cat ~/.ssh/</code>. The output is your public key. Copy it into your clipboard.
<?php if(!is_null($box_position)) { ?>
<li>Paste the public key that you just copied into the box <?php out($box_position)?> and click the "Add public key" button.
<?php } ?>
function pubkey_json($pubkey, $include_keydata = true, $include_owner = true) {
$json = new StdClass;
if($include_keydata) {
$json->keydata = $pubkey->export();
$json->type = $pubkey->type;
$json->keysize = $pubkey->keysize;
$json->fingerprint = $pubkey->fingerprint_md5;
$json->fingerprint_md5 = $pubkey->fingerprint_md5;
$json->fingerprint_sha256 = $pubkey->fingerprint_sha256;
if($include_owner) {
$json->owner = new StdClass;
$json->owner->type = get_class($pubkey->owner);
if(get_class($pubkey->owner) == 'User') {
$json->owner->uid = $pubkey->owner->uid;
} elseif(get_class($pubkey->owner) == 'ServerAccount') {
$json->owner->hostname = $pubkey->owner->server->hostname;
$json->owner->name = $pubkey->owner->name;
return $json;