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40 lines
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3 years ago
<?php if($this->get('error_details')) { ?>
<p><?php out($this->get('exception_class')) ?> "<span class="text-danger"><?php out($this->get('error_details')->getMessage()) ?></span>"</p>
<p>Occurred in <?php out($this->get('error_details')->getFile().' line '.$this->get('error_details')->getLine()) ?></p>
<h2>Stack trace</h2>
<table class="table">
<?php foreach($this->get('error_details')->getTrace() as $stack_line) { ?>
<?php if($stack_line['function'] != 'exception_error_handler') { ?>
<td><?php out($stack_line['function'])?></td>
<?php if(!empty($stack_line['args'])) { ?>
<?php foreach($stack_line['args'] as $arg) { ?>
<li><?php out(print_r($arg, 1)) ?></li>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<td><?php out($stack_line['file'].' line '.$stack_line['line'])?></td>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<h1>Oops! Something went wrong!</h1>
<p>Sorry, but it looks like something needs fixing on the system. The problem has been automatically reported to the administrators, but if you wish, you can also <a href="mailto:<?php out($this->get('admin_address'))?>?subject=<?php out('SSH Key Authority error number '.$this->get('error_number'), ESC_URL_ALL)?>">provide additional information</a> about what you were doing that may have triggered the error.</p>
<?php } ?>