You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

60 lines
1.9 KiB

3 years ago
if(isset($_POST['add_group']) && ($active_user->admin)) {
$name = trim($_POST['name']);
if(preg_match('|/|', $name)) {
$content = new PageSection('invalid_group_name');
$content->set('group_name', $name);
} else {
try {
$new_admin = $user_dir->get_user_by_uid(trim($_POST['admin_uid']));
} catch(UserNotFoundException $e) {
$content = new PageSection('user_not_found');
if(isset($new_admin)) {
$group = new Group;
$group->name = $name;
try {
$alert = new UserAlert;
$alert->content = 'Group \'<a href="'.rrurl('/groups/'.urlencode($name)).'" class="alert-link">'.hesc($name).'</a>\' successfully created.';
$alert->escaping = ESC_NONE;
} catch(GroupAlreadyExistsException $e) {
$alert = new UserAlert;
$alert->content = 'Group \'<a href="'.rrurl('/groups/'.urlencode($name)).'" class="alert-link">'.hesc($name).'</a>\' already exists.';
$alert->escaping = ESC_NONE;
$alert->class = 'danger';
} else {
$defaults = array();
$defaults['active'] = array('1');
$defaults['name'] = '';
$filter = simplify_search($defaults, $_GET);
try {
$groups = $group_dir->list_groups(array('admins', 'members'), $filter);
} catch(GroupSearchInvalidRegexpException $e) {
$groups = array();
$alert = new UserAlert;
$alert->content = "The group name search pattern '".$filter['hostname']."' is invalid.";
$alert->class = 'danger';
$content = new PageSection('groups');
$content->set('filter', $filter);
$content->set('admin', $active_user->admin);
$content->set('groups', $groups);
$content->set('all_users', $user_dir->list_users());
$page = new PageSection('base');
$page->set('title', 'Groups');
$page->set('content', $content);
$page->set('alerts', $active_user->pop_alerts());
echo $page->generate();