# windows-disk-monitoring Monitors the disk of an HP server and copies the report to the web-frontend. ### Preparations: - Please install "```Smart Storage Administrator```": (ssacli.exe) - Customize the following variables in the file "```disk_monitoring.ps1```" ``` $smtpServer = "smtp.gmail.com" $smtpFrom = "MY_SERVER_MAIL@gmail.com" $SMTPPort = "587" $Username = "MY_SERVER_MAIL@gmail.com" $Password = "MY_SERVER_MAIL_PASSWORD" $smtpTo = "MY_DESTINATION_MAIL" ``` - Customize the SMB variables in the file "```start_disk_monitoring.bat```" or comment it out! ```net use x: \\MY_SMB_SERVER_IP\web /USER:MY_SMB_USER MY_SMB_PASSWORD``` ### Automated checks: - Installation of the windows scheduler task to automate the checks. The template is located in the file "```windows_task_scheduler_template.xml```"