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22 lines
712 B

#Fix for NZB-Hydra:
sed -e 's/"urlBase": null,/"urlBase": "/nzbhydra",/' -i /opt/docker_data/nzbhydra/config/hydra/settings.cfg
#Fix for couchpotato:
sed -e 's/url_base = /url_base = \/couchpotato/' -i /opt/docker_data/couchpotato/config/config.ini
#Fix for sonarr:
sed -e 's/<UrlBase><\/UrlBase>/<UrlBase>\/sonarr<\/UrlBase>/' -i /opt/docker_data/sonarr/config/config.xml
#Fix for radarr:
sed -e 's/<UrlBase><\/UrlBase>/<UrlBase>\/radarr<\/UrlBase>/' -i /opt/docker_data/radarr/config/config.xml
# Fix for Headphones:
sed -e 's/http_root = \//http_root = \/headphones\//' -i /opt/docker_data/headphones/config/config.ini
docker-compose restart nzbhydra couchpotato sonarr radarr headphones