Can't create socket!\n"; echo "Error: '".socket_last_error($s)."' - " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error($s)); return FALSE; } else { $opt_ret = socket_set_option($s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, TRUE); if ($opt_ret < 0) { echo "setsockopt() failed, error: " . strerror($opt_ret) . "
\n"; return FALSE; } if (socket_sendto($s, $msg, strlen($msg), 0, $addr, $socket_number)) { $content = bin2hex($msg); echo "
\n"; echo "
Magic Packet Sent!
\n"; echo "
Port: ".$socket_number." MAC: ".$_GET['wake_machine']." Data:
\n"; echo "
\n"; socket_close($s); return TRUE; } else { echo "
Magic Packet failed to send!
\n"; return FALSE; } } } function PopulateMACList($maclist) { // Takes an array in the format "key" => "mac" // Cycles through the array // Checks if MAC contains only valid caracters ( Aa-Ff 0-9 . : - ) // If valid, removes any ". : -" it finds // Creates a \n"; } } } ?>