update readme file

Michael Reber 4 years ago
parent 6b02f95eb0
commit e0ceade4e0

@ -7,23 +7,23 @@ This is a simple ruby script that will chuch through a directory converting all
This is a long running ruby script, it makes calls to FFMPEG using a ruby gem to scrape metadata of videos, and transcode them. It works by appling some simple filters to create a list of videos that can be converted, and then works through that queue.
Move to the directory where the config is located and run: `ruby convertVideos.rb start`
Change to the directory, where the config and script is located then run: `$ ruby convertVideos.rb start`
## Example Config
Please note the preceding colons are important. Also the file must be called config.yml
:directory: /mnt/movies
:min_age_days: 5
:directory: /home/user/videos/movies
:log_location: /home/user/logs/HevcConversion.log
:log_location: /home/user/logs/hevc_conversion.log
:preset: slow
:threads: 8
:max_new_file_size_ratio: 0.9
| Configuration | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| directory | The directory to recurse into. All files will be considered within that directory. |
|min_age_days | How many days old does this file have to be to be considered for conversion. |
|log_location| This Script is designed to run deetached in the background. As such the log location is the best way to figure out whatis going on and the status of the conversion |
@ -41,15 +41,16 @@ It also makes it so multiple computers can run this script, provided they are al
## Setup
1. Instal Ruby 2.1.0+
2. Install (ffmpeg)[https://ffmpeg.org/download.html] near version 4.2.2 `sudo apt-get install ffmpeg`
3. gem install `streamio-ffmpeg`
4. Optional: Install screen or tmux. This is to allow it to run in the background after closing SSH on a server.
5. Edit the script.
6. Run the script.
7. Automate/cron?
2. Install (ffmpeg)[https://ffmpeg.org/download.html] near version 3.4.4 `# apt-get install ffmpeg`
3. `$ gem install bundler`
4. `$ bundle install`
5. Optional: Install screen or tmux. This is to allows it to run in the background after closing SSH on a server.
6. Edit the script if you want.
7. Run the script.
8. Automate it e.g. with cron?
## Disclaimers
- Only use with videos you have the rights to copy
- This will delete the original video, so use with care. Test with a test directory before running on your entire library.
- Use a test file with all your media playing devices to ensure that they can handle HEVC encoding. Raspberry pies, both 1 and 2 are not able to handle HEVC decoding.
- Use a test file with all your media playing devices to ensure that they can handle HEVC encoding.
